Be Happy

An Exploration of Happiness


The internet is filled with things to look at and say how much we dislike or don’t appreciate them. “Be Happy”, aims to be the exact opposite. Exploring the things which have brought me happiness throughout my life. Art, games, music, and more. I hope during my time writing about these things and how much they mean to me, they bring happiness to you as well.


"How do you do your Dunkaroos?"

The commercials of the '90s always seemed to be as memorable as the products they marketed. If anybody is interested in creating a reboot or spin-off of, "Mad Men" I highly recommend this era.

A quirky yet practical look at the inevitable.

From the author of 'The Bottom Drawer Book: the after death action plan'. By learning more about death, our mortality, and ways to say goodbye, the inevitable becomes less confronting.

The Nomadic Architect

An Wandering Monk'ey'


My head is a busy place.